Single in the Ghetto

This is the true story of a single unemployed-by-choice mom who lives with her pseudo-boyfriend Joel and their toddler son Tyson in a trailer park near Denver, Colorado. She is highly educated and a bit too glamorous for her current neighborhood, but the situation is hilarious and tragic at the same time. Will ghetto life make her humble and sympathetic to her "manufactured housing community" neighbors or will it just make her even more snobbish? A blog about life in general.

Location: near Denver, Colorado, United States

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My Baby is Walking. Seriously!

I know it's been forever since I've posted; 10 days in Blogland is an eternity actually if you ever keep up with someone's blog. You expect them to post on a daily or almost-daily basis. And I think about it everyday; I really do. I compose entries in my head and want to log in and type, but I've been making the effort to get to bed at a decent time (with my good friend Ambien tucking me in). But the big exciting news is that my little baby boy is WALKING!

It really is one of the most thrilling sights in life. I never understood why parents made such a big deal of it, but I can kind of see why now. Joel and I sat about four feet apart and just encouraged him to go to the other parent. He would make it about three or four steps and then fall forward upon one of us. That was last Sunday, Sept. 10th I think. Then I got out the camcorder and set it up the next evening and videotaped him walking about 8 or 10 feet. I've watched that video at least a couple dozen times, and in it I'm laughing with such joy and awe. I'm so glad I captured the moment.

Tyson is still a little unsteady in his walking, but he's gaining more confidence each day. He chooses to walk on his own and seems so thrilled with himself that he's actually walking without any support from anything. He still prefers crawling though because it's a faster way for him to move around, and that's okay with me. Everyone was right. They don't stay babies for very long.

In other news, I've lost about 2 pounds. That's naked on the home scale of course. At the doctor's today, it was 139.2, which is still under 140, thank God. The hunger tends to dissipate as diet hell goes on though. The bad news is that I haven't been exercising at all. But with my doctor's visit today, I'm hoping to get my life somewhat back on track. I used to love teaching and earning good money. I used to date men and have sex. I used to go to the gym and run at the Mission in smalltown Cali. I miss living across the street from where I worked and skipping home for lunch. I miss my friends and going to Happy Hour on Fridays. I used to have a wonderful hairdresser, Fred, who I saw once a month. I used to be a size 4. My life is so different now. Back then, I used to cry into my pillow almost every night because I felt so unhappy. And now I'm here. I don't cry very often anymore. In a way, I guess I'm content with my life because I realize that I'm fortunate to have Tyson and can stay home with him. I have money in the bank and I don't have a schedule.

In an issue of Glamour from sometime last year, someone said how you can "have it all." You just can't have it all at the same time. I've found this to be so true. It's like I've always wanted to complete the whole puzzle, but God won't give me all the pieces at once. He distributes a few at a time, and you get some placed, but then He takes a few pieces away and gives you several more. I guess by the end of my life, I'll have touched all the pieces, and in my mind I'll be able to see the whole picture. All right, enough with jigsaw puzzle analogy.

What else has been keeping me from writing here is Grey's Anatomy. I rented and watched all of Season 1 and am now working on Season 2. Tomorrow night is the premiere of Season 3, and I'll have to videotape it because I won't be done watching all the previous episodes. Yes, videotape, because I don't have TiVo like everyone else in the world. It's an okay show. The characters are actually annoying, except for Dr. Miranda Bailey a.k.a. The Nazi. I'm glad I just rented the series instead of buying it. (I love Netflix by the way!)

So now you know where I've been and what I've been doing-- By day, being amazed by a toddling bundle of energy and cooking decent meals for him; by night, curled up on my chair-and-a-half watching a mindless medical drama. Aren't these puzzle pieces just great?