Single in the Ghetto

This is the true story of a single unemployed-by-choice mom who lives with her pseudo-boyfriend Joel and their toddler son Tyson in a trailer park near Denver, Colorado. She is highly educated and a bit too glamorous for her current neighborhood, but the situation is hilarious and tragic at the same time. Will ghetto life make her humble and sympathetic to her "manufactured housing community" neighbors or will it just make her even more snobbish? A blog about life in general.

Location: near Denver, Colorado, United States

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Starving and Chores

It's my last night of freedom... that's what it feels like anyway. Tomorrow Joel comes back from being out-of-state. I go back to being annoyed at his burp blowing, marathon bathroom sessions, bad grammar ("Him and I were talking..."), and saying "ya'know" all the time. I know that sentence wasn't very parallel, but I don't care. I'm ranting. As usual. If you don't know what I mean by parallel, then you ought not be entering the Kingdom of the Grammar Queen. [insert trumpets playing here]

Today I felt like I was starving. I've put myself on this 1200-calorie diet because I really want to drop 10 pounds fast. I feel like if I could just drop a size in clothes then I'll be really happy and feel better about my body. I weighed in at 140 pounds this morning. If I can lose 2 pounds a week then that's only 5 weeks until I weigh 130. Wow! I can do math. I know I need to exercise more though. Yesterday I took Tyson for a walk and pushing that stroller up these ghetto hills is no easy feat. I walked for at least 30 minutes. The air was not fresh however. It was 7:30 p.m. and people's garbage had been sitting out on the sidewalks all day. I guess everyone didn't get serviced because of the Labor Day holiday. So there was an odor to go along with the dilapidated views.

I talk to Ty as we walk. We always see dogs and cats, and I point them out. At 14 months, he isn't talking yet. Not a single word. Not even Mama. But he understands a lot of words. He definitely knows blankie, racecar and balloon. He was a bit of a pill today. He got into everything I was working on, and if I put him somewhere to play on his own, he cried. He didn't eat much either. I think he's cutting a new tooth. He did enjoy his bath though and I put him to bed at 9. He fussed a bit for a little while, but he is such a good sleeper. He cries out briefly during the night, but he doesn't wake up.

He doesn't cry in the mornings either when he wakes up. Our rooms are right next to each other and of course the walls are paper-thin, so I can hear him babbling to himself. Sometimes, not very often, he bangs on the adjoining wall from his crib and I think he's telling me to wake up and come get him! He has always been a pretty good baby. Thank goodness he takes after me in that he is not a morning person either! He is just content to stay in his crib and let me sleep until I come get him, which didn't happen today until 1 p.m., poor little guy. I love him so much! Why am I such a bad mother?

I was supposed to start doing yoga today with my DVD that I bought sometime last year, but of course I never got around to it. I want to get fit! But I was not a complete lazy ass. I straightened up my side of the garage where I had a bunch of stuff piled up and it was starting to spill over into the walkway. It took two hours to go through it. I had to assemble two small shoe shelves in the house and then I was able to move shoeboxes inside. I have bags of stuff to donate to Goodwill and recycling to drop off. I went through one box and unpacked my Pretty as a Picture figurines and finally displayed them in my room. I haven't seen them in over two years! Has it really been that long? I'll have to blog one day about my move here from Cali. It was a fiasco!

I did some laundry. Actually what I had to do was re-wash the dog beds, most of which are old sheets and towels. Joel took them to a Laundromat one evening, and then deposited them in the garage, but they were stinky! I wonder if he even used any soap. If he did, I know he used only one little scoop of that Bioquest crap or whatever it is from his "business." Oh dear. That's another post for another day as well. So I re-washed all the sheets and towels and one down-comforter bed. I cleaned the kitchen, took out the garbage, and spot-cleaned the carpet near the garage door that was black with door-hinge residue or something. I only worked on it for a few minutes but it looks somewhat better. Joel can be a lazy ass too and not attend to things that really need to be taken care of.

I bet he'll be happy I straightened my stuff in the garage though. I also vacuumed the shavings from where he drilled in the wood to hang his work-out mirror. That was bugging the crap out of me; I'm not sure why. He's got a Shop-Vac right there, stored like 15 feet away from where the mess was. He says he's "detail orientated" but honestly, I don't think so. He says he likes a "clean house" but his bathroom can get awfully disgusting. I think he cleans it once every two months. His shower is still filthy. Thank God I don't have to use it. He has a big garden tub too, but he just uses it to collect dust balls. I was actually thinking about cleaning it and having a nice soak in there this evening. I guess today's Denver Post article about Japanese tubs influenced me. But I ran out of time tonight, and now I'm really tired. Tomorrow's plans are to starve again and go walking. I'll have to remember to take my camera with me so I can take pictures of some of my favorite ghetto trailers.