Single in the Ghetto

This is the true story of a single unemployed-by-choice mom who lives with her pseudo-boyfriend Joel and their toddler son Tyson in a trailer park near Denver, Colorado. She is highly educated and a bit too glamorous for her current neighborhood, but the situation is hilarious and tragic at the same time. Will ghetto life make her humble and sympathetic to her "manufactured housing community" neighbors or will it just make her even more snobbish? A blog about life in general.

Location: near Denver, Colorado, United States

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Our Exes Do Live in Texas

It's not just a song, it's absolutely true. Both of our exes live in Texas. My ex-husband is currently stationed at a base in San Antonio, and Joel's beloved ex-wife lives in Houston. What made me think of this... well on Sunday I was in the kitchen and heard voices outside the bay window. I peeked out and saw that Joel, who had been working outside, was chatting with this really cute guy sitting in the driver's seat of his car. I simply thought he was some neighbor guy from down the street or whatever. Joel is friendly with all his neighbors. I fleetingly wondered if maybe Joel could hook me up with this guy. Remember now, Joel is just my pseudo-boyfriend. He's not a real boyfriend. I'll have to explain all that one day I suppose. It's just such a looooooong story.

Later that evening, Joel told me who he had been talking to. It was his ex-wife's first ex-husband, Phil. He just wanted to drive by and see if Joel still lived here. Wow! He actually made a special trip to the ghetto to see if Joel was here. Yep. The loser's still here.

"I didn't know Phil was that comfortable with me to just drive by and see if I was still living here," Joel said. "He still has Jax, and he's being a sparkplug as usual. I told him to 'come by with Jax any Saturday or Sunday; I'm usually here.' I said he could even drop him off for a couple hours if he wanted to."

Jax is a dog that Joel and his ex-wife Annmarie had before they divorced. When she abruptly left Joel in 2003, he couldn't keep Jax because of his extensive traveling schedule. Annmarie couldn't keep Jax either because she was moving to Texas to start her new career as a flight attendant. I think the story is that she called Phil and asked him if he wanted to adopt Jax (who was a year or two old), and so he did. I wonder if Phil really will come back here with Jax for a visit.

Phil told Joel that Annmarie is on Husband #3, a pilot for Continental. I said they should get the guy's name so he could join their club someday.

"What club?" Joel asked me.
"The Ex-Husbands Club," I smirked. "You guys could get together monthly for drinks or whatever and bitch about Annmarie."

Joel actually thought that was funny, which is odd because he does not care for my sense of humor. (One of the many many reasons why he is my pseudo-boyfriend. God, I can't wait to get out of this stupid relationship.)

I, on the other hand, kept my two dogs from my marriage, and my ex-husband Braden voluntarily pays me $200 every month in "doggy support." I love him. We don't speak much now as we did when we first divorced, which was done quite amicably in Cali. In 2004 he got stationed overseas for a couple years, and only recently has he returned to the States and is in Texas for a little awhile before going to his permanent assignment in Oklahoma. He will be at the same base as Joel's older sister Beth, whose husband is military as well. Hey, I just thought of something. On Sunday I had suggested to Joel that we go to Beth's for Thanksgiving. He thought that was a great idea and phoned her. Beth is all excited now. So if we're going to OK City for T-giving, maybe I'll be able to visit with Braden, who should be there by then. But maybe he won't be in town then; he might go to visit his family or significant other. Oh well. Just a thought. I'll have to shoot an e-mail off to him.

We e-mail only a couple times a year now. The last time was in February when our 12-year-old dog died suddenly (sniff sniff). The time before that was when Tyson was born in June 2005. Before that, I think we actually spoke on the phone. He was visiting the States and called me on my birthday in December 2004; I was a couple months pregnant then and was feeling very very bad. It was so nice that he called. I will never ever find another guy like him. I guess I have Divorce Remorse sometimes. That'll have to be a future blog title for sure.